Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Common Man

He often travels in a crowded train
Carries an umbrella
Still gets wet in the rain

Works in the office from nine to five
To keep himself and his family alive

He is the one who never breaks a rule
Attends every meeting in his child's school

Worries about his parents' health
Makes sacrifices to accumulate wealth

In every election he casts his vote
Stands in a queue to exchange a currency note

Without fail, he pays the tax
Yet can't find a moment to relax

While the officials are busy travelling to
London, Tokyo and Rome
There is no guarantee of him safely returning home

He too has emotions, a dream and a plan
Ask me who's he, he's the common man


  1. Apt description. Nicely expressed.

  2. Well written. Its a joy reading this.

  3. Simple words woven beautifully conveying a serious message!!

  4. HE is the one, standing stout and broken at same time..
    HE is the one, represents every story of mine....

  5. To Abhilasha,
    It's a new poem. I agree with your thought.We are too busy in work that we can't find a moment to relax. Keep it up. Cultivate your talent.
    From- Praddyumn Kulshreshtha

    1. Good to know that you agree with my thought. Thanks for yours comments!
